Soma Bringer
Soma Bringer
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Soma Bringer

Soma Bringer

Action, Role-Playing
Soma Bringer is set on the continent of Barnea, which is part of a world where the energy of everyday life is drawn from Soma, a mystical power that fills the atmosphere, forming the so-called "Soma Ring" around the planet: through a special conversion process, it is used for everything from ordinary appliances to advanced weaponry. The main narrative follows new and veteran members of Pharzuph Division 7, who set out to investigate and combat a recent spate of Visitor attacks. (wiki)

Soma Bringer

Action, Role-Playing
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Avg Percentile 16% from 2 total ratings

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Rated 28 Oct 2018
A slow as molasses Diablo clone with a boring, generic plot. Attacking anything feels sluggish unless you use items that increase your atk speed, even then it's a bandaid solution at best considering your combat abilities are generally boring and limited with enemies that are extremely easy to take down. For what it's worth the dungeon's have a nice sense of scale but exploring them tends to be boring because they're wide spaces with a whole lot of nothing in them.

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