
Game Fan - 71 Game Ratings
Member Since: 07 Nov 2020
Bio: 5---know enough to know I will not voluntarily watch it / 10---hate it / 15---actively dislike it / 20---passively didn't like it / 25---meh / 30---okay / 35---passively liked it / 40---actively like it / 45---really like it / 50---love it. ratings are enjoyment irrespective of quality

more Recent Ratings

40 80% Pandemic (2008) - Rated 15 May 2024
37 63% Forbidden Desert (2013) - Rated 15 May 2024
43 89% Kingdom of Loathing (2003) - Rated 15 May 2024
35 42% Katawa Shoujo (2012) - Rated 15 May 2024
"me and my edgy teen self that played it at the time still can't believe this wasn't a dumpster fire"
35 42% Pokémon Red & Blue (1996) - Rated 15 May 2024
35 42% Mario Kart: Super Circuit (2001) - Rated 15 May 2024
"loved absolutely sucking at this when I could steal the cartridge from my sister"
37 63% Fallout (1997) - Rated 15 May 2024
20 6% Fallout 4 (2015) - Rated 15 May 2024
10 2% Fallout 3 (2008) - Rated 15 May 2024
"I will die mad about these"
25 11% Super Meat Boy (2010) - Rated 15 May 2024
"I cannot play this, but I love watching it, and the soundtrack was in heavy rotation when I was a teen"