
Criticker Newbie - 6 Game Ratings
Member Since: 21 Jul 2019
Location: UK
Bio: im benji

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0% Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (2012) - Rated 27 Jul 2019
"The sheer amount of Stuff in the game, the combat and the number of ways you can approach it really shine. Really enjoyed figuring out combat gameplans. The story is baffling; why use a fantasy setting to tell a story about trade relations and iron shortages? Too many boring green and brown environments. A little too hard to start with and gets too easy by the end, with the final boss being especially underwhelming. The expansion pack content (particularly Durlag's Tower) is excellent."
0% Age of Empires II (1999) - Rated 21 Jul 2019
"I can tell it's really cool but I bounced off it hard."
0% Sanitarium (1998) - Rated 21 Jul 2019
0% Diablo II (2000) - Rated 21 Jul 2019
"Greatly expands the scope and complexity of the original but loses the tight dungeon crawling gameplay loop in the process. Way too many boring caves and forests in contrast to the Satanic theme of the original. Still eminently playable (the expansion being the best part) but for me a bloated step down from part 1."
0% Diablo (1996) - Rated 21 Jul 2019
"A super-simplified yet fiendishly addictive take on dungeon crawling."
0% The Longest Journey (1999) - Rated 21 Jul 2019
"I thought being so well-regarded this might be free of the typical issues with point and click adventure games but it was full of them. I think I might just hate the genre. The story is a really corny magical realist thing full of inscrutable and irrelevant lore dumps about magical stones and amulets. Of course this game widely praised for its story which just goes to show once again how low the standards for stories in games are."