
The Socialist Standard - 136 Game Ratings
Member Since: 18 Aug 2012

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60 27% The Manhole (1988) - Rated 15 Jun 2023
70 52% Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) - Rated 15 Jun 2023
100 92% Mille Bornes (1954) - Rated 15 Jun 2023
60 27% Chex Quest (1996) - Rated 15 Jun 2023
70 52% Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure (1992) - Rated 15 Jun 2023
100 92% The Ultimate Doom (1995) - Rated 15 Jun 2023
100 92% Final Doom (1996) - Rated 15 Jun 2023
80 75% Kirby's Adventure (1993) - Rated 15 Jun 2023
70 52% Kirby Star Allies (2018) - Rated 15 Jun 2023
80 75% Super Mario Odyssey (2017) - Rated 15 Jun 2023