Guess the movie from the image

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by bowfinger »

Maaxwell wrote:First Knight?

I see your Sean Connery, and raise the stakes to Dragonheart.

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by MacSwell »

bowfinger wrote:
Maaxwell wrote:First Knight?

I see your Sean Connery, and raise the stakes to Dragonheart.

BALLS! That's Dennis Quaid, isn't it?! Fml

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by bowfinger »

Maaxwell wrote:
bowfinger wrote:
Maaxwell wrote:First Knight?

I see your Sean Connery, and raise the stakes to Dragonheart.

BALLS! That's Dennis Quaid, isn't it?! Fml

That's what you get for making me doubt myself on my knowledge of the Princess Bride lore :P

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by philamental »

As it's been an incredible year on this thread, I thought it was worth celebrating it accordingly. So given it is Award season in the world of cinema, I present to you all



And we go live to a packed auditorium (seriously there must be at least 9 or 10 people here!) where the awards show is just starting ...

Phil: Thank you, thank you, and welcome to the Silver Sleuthys! For those of you new to these awards ...

*CMonster shouts from the audience* This is the first year of the awards ... it's new to everyone!

Phil: ... yes well anyway, the Silver Sleuthys will take place over two days, today and tomorrow, culminating with the crowning of the Overall Leaderboard Winner whoever that might be!

*everyone turns and sneers jealously at Maaxwell*

Phil: Furthermore, rather than completly take over this thread, each award will use spoiler tags to shorten the post, so open them up if you're interested or ignore them if you're not.

And so on to our first Silver Sleuthy of the evening .... The Pound 4 Pound Player of the Year!
[spoiler]This award tries to look past the basic numbers and identify the best player when all things are equal. And the nominees are ...

Brickwall, for numerous incredible monthly highscores and ability to identify films from the slightest hint of a clue.
Maaxwell, for sheer unrelenting dominance of the leaderboards
Bojangles, for scoring in every month of the year despite not being a competitive player
Bowfinger, for a top 5 finish despite not using thread notifications

And the Silver Sleuthy goes to ... Bojangles!

Voiceover: This is Bojangles first Silver Sleuthy from his very first nomination

Bojangles: Wow! I've been playing this game since the very start in 2009 and it means a lot to finally be able to say publicly that ...

*Orchestra starts playing and Bojangles is dragged off stage by some hired goons*

Phil: So yeah, we're running a little behind so we have to keep the speeches short

*Bojangles shouts from backstage* ... It's the first award! How can you be behind already?
*sounds of backstage punching and then silence*[/spoiler]

Our next award is for Best Female Player, and I would like to welcome bowfinger to join me on the stage to present the award

[spoiler]Bowfinger: And the nominees for Best Female Player are ...

Saudade, for regular and impressive scoring throughout the year
Mrs Maaxwell, for that one time she glanced over Maaxwell's shoulder and said 'Thats from Cronos' before carrying on with her life

And the winner is ... Saudade!

Phil: yes, yes, I know ... Saudade is the only regular female player, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t recognize this lovely young lady! And here comes Saudade, to collect her award!

*Bowfinger kisses Saudade awkwardly on the cheek and presents the Silver Sleuthy* Congratulations Saudade! How does this win make you feel?
Saudade: Well I’m feeling a bit awkward actually. Firstly isn’t this sexist? I don’t see any Best Male Player category anywhere. *looks at bowfinger and Phil* Was this just all an excuse for you two to look at me in a sexy designer gown? Secondly I’m a dude, but I just clicked female by accident when creating my account and was too lazy to ever go back and change it. Thanks anyway, I guess. *Saudade walks off*

..... *crickets* ....

Phil: ..... let’s here it one more time for Saudade, our Best ... er .. Female Player!
Bowfinger: *whispers* His boobs do look pretty hot in that gown though![/spoiler]

Before we move on to the next award, we will pause to remember the players who we have lost during the last 12 months

[spoiler]*Video montage plays*

In Memorium

Pickpocket - 1 correct answer in Jan 2016
*warm applause from the audience*

Uninspired - 1 correct answer in Feb 2016
*whispers of who? from the audience*

CosmicMonkey - 2 correct answers in March 2016
*applause and a few sniffs from the audience*

Bushidowoods - 2 correct answers in Feb/March 2016
*applause and more noticeable tears from the audience*

BadCosmonaut - 3 correct answers from Jun to Sept 2016
*applause and clear noticeable sobbing in the audience*

Snobyeti - 4 correct answers Jun/July 2016
*louder applause and wails of sadness from the audience*

Xanderbisc - 1 correct answer in August 2016
*applause and continued tears from the audience*

Trippingly - 1 correct answer in July
*A ripple of applause and some uncertain confused sobs from the audience*

OMGFridge - 6 correct answers from Jan to Jun, and Feb Leaderboard winner
*OMGFridge shouts from the audience* Hey I'm still playing! I even scored points in December!
*Phil shouts back off camera* Do you know how long these video montages take to make? No one had seen you in months! We thought you were dead![/spoiler]

*ahem* ... you will all be missed, but without further ado it's the award for the King of Shit Guesses!
[spoiler]This award ... and I use the terms loosely ... for the player whose guessing philosophy is surely “If you throw enough shit at the wall, some of it has to eventually stick”. Yup, this prize is for the player who guesses incorrectly more than any other, which makes them ... the ‘King of Shit Guesses’!

Instead of nominations, we actually asked some of the celebs in our audience to take a guess at the identity of the winner of this accolade as they arrived at the theatre, and we can reveal their guesses to you now in this video montage ...

Brickwall: ... It has to be Maaxwell
Vinegarbob: ... Must be Maaxwell
Bowfinger: ... Well if I have to pick one, it would be Maaxwell
Igormachete: ... Maaxwell, not even a doubt in my mind. He even called himself 'The King of Shit Guesses' at one point a few months back so it's pretty obvious that's where you guys got the name for this award from.
Maaxwell: I'm not sure ... 'mpowell'?

That’s right, the award for ‘King of Shit Guesses’ goes to Maaxwell![/spoiler]

Well that draws a close to the first half of the Silver Sleuthys! Tune back in tomorrow for the second half which will include the final Monthly and Overall Leaderboards of 2016 as well as the award for 'Best use of an Online Movie Database'!

Just enough time left to plug my new gig here on the Criticker Forums, in case you hadn't noticed, there's a month long Image Tournament starting tomorrow ...
I know most of the regulars are on board for it so it should be good fun.
Last edited by philamental on Sun Jan 01, 2017 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by rklenseth »

bowfinger wrote:I see your Sean Connery, and raise the stakes to Dragonheart.

That's correct!

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by bowfinger »

Loved the awards :)

Here is the next one until the long awaited tournament kicks off, and then I doubt you'll hear from me on this thread for a month :lol:


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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by philamental »


Phil: ... And welcome back to the Silver Sleuthys!

Before we continue with the awards show proper, lets reveal the leaderboard for December ...

December Leaderboard
1st brickwall - 9
2nd Maaxwell - 7
3rd= bowfinger - 4
3rd= philamental - 4
5th= rklenseth - 3
5th= bojangles -3
7th OMGFridge - 2
8th= Vinegarbob, paulofilmo, Detox, igormachete, 3dRevelation, snallygaster, mattorama12, frederic_g54, Victoriouz - 1

Another notch on the bedpost for brickwall who again tops the table in December! Well done, sir! In a quieter than average month, a highscore of 9 is really impressive, and also worth highlighting the Personal Best for rklenseth and the ressurrection of OMGFridge! With the calendar of leaderboards complete, we move on to our next Silver Sleuthy

Most Monthly Leaderboard Wins
[spoiler]Instead of nominations here are the most wins in reverse order (Joint wins are counted)

In 5th, OMGFridge with 1 monthly win
In Joint 3rd are Vinegarbob and philamental with 2 monthly wins
In 2nd, brickwall with 5 monthly wins
In 1st, Maaxwell with 6 monthly wins!

Top of the table 50% of the time, well done Maaxwell![/spoiler]

Next up is one of the most discussed awards of the night, the Best Use of an Online Movie Database!
[spoiler]For the uninitiated, many of us were introduced to the existence of obscure movie databases when brickwall started to use them to identify images rather impressively. Since then their use has become widespread in a baffling and frustration manner to those of us who aren't clever enough to use them .... *ahem* ... anyway on with the nominations

brickwall, for his use of the Internet Movie Firearms Database
*warm applause*
bowfinger, for his use of the Internet Movie Hair Database
*applause and a couple of whoops*
brickwall, for his use of the Internet Comedy Movie Fish and Raccoon Database
*sniggers from the audience*
and brickwall for this use of the Internet Movie Greenhouse Database .... yes ... that one ... that f***ing database ...
*enthusiastic cheers from the audience*

Well it looks like brickwall has this wrapped up ... and the winner of the Silver Sleuthy is ...

VINEGAR BOB!!! Vinegar bob for his use of IMDB to confirm that Maaxwell wasn't in 'A League of Their Own'!

brickwall: This is a fix! That wasn't even playing the game! It was from a f***ing recap! Your recap, Phil! .... You did this! You're just pissed off that I identified your image using the greenhouse database! ... Vinegarbob wasn't even nominated so how could this win?!?

Phil: Goons, if you will? *points to brickwall in the audience*
*off screen punching ensues*[/spoiler]

On we go with our next award ... Highest Monthly Score

[spoiler]Again we'll announce the winner in reverse order ...

In joint 10th, Bojangles, CMonster and OMGFridge with 4 points
In joint 8th, saudade and 3drevelation with 6 points
In 7th, igormachete with 7 points
In 6th, bowfinger with 8 points
In 5th, philamental with 9 points
In 4th, Vinegarbob with 10 points
In 3rd, guppy with 11 points
In 2nd, Maaxwell with 14 points (twice!!)
And our winner in 1st with an astonishing 15 points, brickwall!

*loud cheers from the audience*

I believe we can go live to the hospital ward where brickwall is currently being treated for his reaction? No? Still in the operating theatre? Those hired goons did quite a number on him it seems. Nonetheless, Congratulations brickwall![/spoiler]

And so to our last award for the overall 2016 winner ...

Cumulative 2016 Leaderboard
1st Maaxwell - 95
2nd brickwall - 84
3rd philamental - 67
4th Vinegarbob - 47
5th bowfinger - 38
6th igormachete - 29
7th guppy - 26
8th Bojanges - 25
9th saudade - 20
10th paulofilmo - 12

Starting at the lower end of the table, the tense battle for the final spot in the top 10 was won by paulofilmo who snuck by Dardan, Detox, and 3dRevelation by the single point he scored this month. Congratulations to him and commisserations to those who just missed out. The rest of the top 10 settled quite nicely in the end, which means that our overall leaderboard champ for 2016 and Silver Sleuthy winner is Maaxwell! Congratulations Maaxwell and well done on your spectacular scoring throughout the year.

If I may be serious for a moment, I would like to thank each and every one of you for playing over the past 12 months. The Image Game thread has been a constant fun distraction for me since I've started playing it and I've enjoyed the opportunity to introduce the leaderboards and monthly recaps to add a little bit of competition and fun to proceedings. As you are all well aware, my lack of natural wit means I tend to playfully target the other players as the subject of my jokes, and even more so the successful players. So especially Maax, brickwall, Rumplebob, bowfinger, thank you for being such good sports and letting me make fun of you all for the past 12 months.

As previously stated, I am not currently intending to continue the leaderboards into 2017 as my focus will be on the Tournament for the next month. If nobody has picked up the leaderboard torch in the meantime and the interest from the players is still there, I may look to resume leaderboards in a few months, but right now I'm unsure how that will pan out. So for now, I just want to again thank you all for the last 12 months which has been a blast from my perspective! I hope you all enjoy the tournament and I look forward to continuing to play on here with you in 2017!

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by 3dRevelation »

Well, let's begin the year with a random guess, the actor with his back turned looks like Jason Statham. I haven't seen many films with him and I don't recognize this one, but I will guess The Expendables?

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by MacSwell »

Looks to me like the back of Ed Skrein - is it Deadpool?

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by bowfinger »


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