Issue with Embedded Images?

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Issue with Embedded Images?

Post by philamental »

I'm posting a lot of images in the Image Game Tournament Thread but I've noted this morning the majority of them are not displaying across multiple devices/browsers despite the online sources being available.

Example is here ...

which doesn't display the image available here

During my testing if I view the image individually it is often then visible when I return to the thread. I presume this is some browser caching thing though. When I review on another browser/device the image is still missing.

Could you take a look at this please?

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Re: Issue with Embedded Images?

Post by CosmicMonkey »

Hey phil, I'm not sure if the issue is with criticker. I can view all the embedded images and links fine on my laptop but when I access the site on the mobile browser on my phone, the embedded images don't appear and the links you provided just take me to a 503 error page. My guess is that it's more likely an issue with the image-hosting service rather than criticker.

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Re: Issue with Embedded Images?

Post by philamental »

Thanks for the feedback CM. I have just tried an alternative image hosting site as a test and it does seem to be fine which does suggest the issue is with rather than criticker.

I'm not following why the links to postimage work fine on desktop but not on mobile (I get the 503 as well) but it's clearly the same issue that's affecting why they are not appearing on the site.

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Re: Issue with Embedded Images?

Post by philamental »

... and yes the issue seems to have resolved itself now so ...


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Re: Issue with Embedded Images?

Post by CosmicMonkey »


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Re: Issue with Embedded Images?

Post by mpowell »

We like the issues that turn out not be our fault.

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