Guess the movie from the image

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by philamental »

This took me longer than I expected to figure out after it became clear it was an inspiration for Austin Powers. However as I haven't actually seen many of the movies that inspired AP and only know of them, it led to a lot of dead ends looking up 'In Like Flint' and the rest of that series before I realised I should have just gone straight to Peter Sellers filmography and seen that he was in ...

Casino Royale (2007)

Yeah, baby! Yeah! 8-)

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by bowfinger »

I think Phil is onto something here, so I'm gonna guess
Casino Royale (1967) :lol:

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by mattorama12 »

It is 1967's complete mess of a film, Casino Royale! I think this goes Phil, but I'll let Phil and Bowfinger duke it out to decide who the true winner of this round was.

I recently started a marathon of the Bond films. One of my favorite things about watching them is seeing how many things from the Austin Powers movies were directly pulled from the Bond movies. That goes double and triple for Casino Royale; it's like every other scene from that movie was directly parodied in one of the Austin Powers movies. It's the only redeeming thing about Casino Royale (though I have to concede I did end up fast forwarding through a lot of the movie as it was truly unbearable).

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by bowfinger »

this win is definitely Phil's, just wanted to have little fun due to his obv typo.

but I must admit, I was on the right track during my sleuthing process, looked for actors who played Q, tried to find scenes with "bond in a dojo with lots of chicks" (which was weird, I know), and tried to dig deeper into the inspiration behind Powers movies, yet I was not able to recognize Sellers and did not know about the parody movie, so the only thing left for me to do was ambush Phil when he connected the dots.

Nice round Matt.

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by philamental »

A typo?


Oh man! :oops: :oops: :oops:

Where did that even come from? Such an odd typo, unless my brain was attempting to merge the year of the original Casino Royal 1967(!!!!!) with that of Casino Royal 2006 because that would ...


Anyway, strictly by the rules the round belongs to Bowfinger, but seeing as he has already conceded (not to mention the fact that he shamefully didn't recognise Peter Sellers! :P ) I'll play the next image ....


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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by philamental »

Thought I might get a 'Southland Tales' shout for that one but nobody took the bait ...

Amazingly I've just seen that this movie doesn't mean the 500 rating criteria that we normally use. I didn't even check as I presumed it would have passed that mark easily. I'll change my approach to more frequent imagery to compensate but I can see that at least two regular players have rated it, though one claims to not have been able to finish it ...


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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by JSchlansky »

Could it be Bill and Ted Face the Music?

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by philamental »

It could! And I agree with your critique of the Wedding Song 😁

You're up, Sam

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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by JSchlansky »


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Re: Guess the movie from the image

Post by JSchlansky »


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