Against the Storm
Against the Storm
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Against the Storm

Against the Storm

Against the Storm is a 2023 city-building video game developed by Eremite Games. (

Against the Storm

Your probable score
Avg Percentile 65.13% from 8 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 11 Dec 2024
It was inevitable that this would be marketed as a "roguelike city builder" in the familiar "X meets Y" fashion that marketing executives seem to love, but what it most resembles is modern worker placement board games, albeit with the much greater complexity of underlying maths that video games allow. The first impression, with its limited set of options, is not the best; when it opens up, it becomes a very stimulating exercise in off-the-cuff strategising, especially at higher difficulties.
Rated 26 May 2024
It's really cool conceptually but I just hate how much of it is gated and RNG reliant. In actuality there isn't much deviation between maps in terms of how it changes your playstyle, you're always doing the exact same thing and what structures actually do don't have much variation aside from what resource it collects or takes away from you. And in many case, how well you do comes down to whether or not you got lucky on the current map or have enough boosts from leveling to make that irrelevant.

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