
Game Fan - 23 Game Ratings
Member Since: 17 Feb 2013
Location: Ontario, Canada
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28% Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) - Rated 24 Jul 2024
28% Titanfall 2 (2017) - Rated 24 Jul 2024
28% Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (2009) - Rated 04 Feb 2023
89% Football Manager 2022 (2021) - Rated 23 Sep 2022
9% The Saboteur (2009) - Rated 23 Sep 2022
"Sneaking around is not that fun unless you have the powers of a Batman. It's big open world but it feels very grind-y and the world itself isn't interesting or rewarding. The main story and quests are filled with cheesy dialogue and characters which aren't that fun. It's fun to shoot down baddies but a more arcadey game with more accessible explosive firepower would be better. The black & white gimmick gets old and you also have to turn up the gamma to properly see. Fast car driving is fun-ish."
57% Infamous 2 (2011) - Rated 23 Jan 2021
57% Sleeping Dogs (2012) - Rated 01 Jan 2020
76% Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (2013) - Rated 07 Jan 2019
"Flawed and rough around the edges but very fun to play as a whole. Good combat and a deep deep game that you can really get into. I strongly recommend getting Dark Arisen instead of the original game alone since Dark Arisen comes with a lot of useful stuff. The lack of good fast travel really sucks at times."
28% Vanquish (2010) - Rated 21 Dec 2018
"Would've been more fun without limits on things like how much you boost/slide or stingy ammo limits. Core mechanics are decent but the storyline/acting is dumb, levels are fairly repetitive/same-ish, and the replay value is poor."
57% Medal of Honor: Frontline (2002) - Rated 02 Dec 2018