
Game Fan - 20 Game Ratings
Member Since: 15 Nov 2009
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Age: 46
Bio: Criticker Police.

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100 87% A Way Out (2018) - Rated 03 Apr 2018
"The best B-action movie I've ever been in - and I got to bring one of my mates too!"
90 67% Secret Hitler (2016) - Rated 27 Feb 2018
"... and just as I always suspected, when all was said and done it was my wife who was secret Hitler all along..."
60 37% Stellaris (2016) - Rated 27 Feb 2018
"Who doesn't desperately want to like their best friend's partner? Even though the first meeting doesn't go all that well, they'll have oodles of goodwill, because there must be something special to them - you even share interests! But after a lot of awkward attempts at starting conversations that seem to lead nowhere, you start to doubt is this person will ever be more than alright - but you're going to keep trying to make things work. Stellaris."
30 15% Terraforming Mars (2016) - Rated 27 Feb 2018
"This is an engine building game too complex to be an enjoyable board game. Like with 'Steampunk Rally' the idea is commendable, but the reality is that once the engines get going, you end up waiting 15 minutes for players to finish their turn. Let a computer deal with all those calculations, I say, there's a good game in here for sure."
70 45% The Walking Dead: Season Two (2013) - Rated 13 Feb 2018
"The story is a little less coherent than the first season, but how often do you really get to play a little girl in a world full of zombies? Not enough, I say!"
100 87% Papers, Please (2013) - Rated 13 Feb 2018
"'Papers, Please' is a masterpiece with a devilishly simple game mechanic: You are underpaid and overworked, and mistakes are severely punished. After 15 minutes of gameplay I learned more about totalitarian regimes than in those 3 years in high school."
30 15% Pong (1972) - Rated 13 Feb 2018
"This is the Steve Jobs of games: Shitty in itself, but it did change the world forever."
70 45% FTL: Faster Than Light (2012) - Rated 13 Feb 2018
"It's a fine game of try, die, cry, repeat."
80 55% XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012) - Rated 13 Feb 2018
"A solid remake that for better or worse did away with the very large maps of the original."
90 67% Civilization IV (2005) - Rated 13 Feb 2018
"At the time it was one of my favorite 4x games, but looking back on it now, I'm really happy that we got rid of those army stacks of doom."