
Criticker Newbie - 5 Game Ratings
Member Since: 06 Jan 2020
Location: Turkey

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90 0% Return of the Obra Dinn (2018) - Rated 28 Apr 2020
"best dedective game of all time. this game is smarter than you, and you'll agree with this statement once you start playing it. its visuals are like 3d paintings and its musics are still playing in my mind."
95 0% Grim Fandango (1998) - Rated 28 Apr 2020
"grim fandango is my favourite game of all time. despite its perplexing puzzle design, its one of the best experiences you can ever get from an art piece. with its world, characters and soundtrack it remains as a strong argument about if videogames are an artform or not."
100 0% Disco Elysium (2019) - Rated 28 Apr 2020
"this is like playing a tabletop rpg game with best dm possible. it never stops being creative and astonishing. its already a cult classic."
95 0% Dota 2 (2014) - Rated 28 Apr 2020
"despite is toxic community, it is probably the best competitive game out there. its level of complexity shines through on every level. hands down the best esports game to watch, and if you have patience its best one to play too."
75 0% Max Payne (2001) - Rated 28 Apr 2020
"still fun to play, noir atmosphere of this game is almost still unmatched. one of the more refined games of the action genre."