Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
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Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII

Action, Adventure
Final Fantasy VII is the seventh main installment in the Final Fantasy series, and was the first title to feature three-dimensional graphics, pre-rendered backgrounds and numerous full motion videos. The gameplay is a departure from previous entries in the series in many ways. Though it retains the Active Time Battle pseudo-turn based menu command system, FFVII features three party members rather than four. (igdb)

Final Fantasy VII

Action, Adventure
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 67.35% from 375 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 14 Jan 2018
Japanese people think all black people are Mr T.
Rated 13 Jan 2018
If this game was just the Chocobo breeding and racing, it would still be one of the all-time greats.
Rated 20 Jan 2019
even playing this for the first time 22 years later, it is great. what struck me most is how different it is from what the developed fandom led me to believe. I was under the impression it was a game about an emo kid who falls in love with a flower girl. instead, it has a giant laser named after a Velvet Underground song, and Cloud and Tifa have sex before the final battle. in other words, it rules, and it's a shame JRPGs went towards what people thought FF7 was rather than what it actually is.
Rated 09 Dec 2022
I could nitpick this game forever - the plot is too convoluted, the visuals have aged horribly, tonal whiplash is common, the combat isn't anything special, and so on - but what can't be denied is just how MASSIVE this game was, both in story and impact. It singlehandedly raised the bar on what games could be, both technically and emotionally (because THAT SCENE traumatized a generation of gamers for life), and I have to respect it as the landmark it is.
Rated 29 Jan 2018
Cloud Strife is the deceptively deep emo prettyboy we all aspired to be as nerdy teens
Rated 17 Jan 2018
I love everything from the great storyline to the sublime music. It's definitely my favorite game of all time, and my many fond memories of it have made me resolve to do two things: 1) To face the dastardly Sephiroth alongside Cloud, Tifa and the rest of the amazing characters in Midgard once again soon 2) To seriously consider quitting my day job and go into business as a full-time Chocobo trainer.
Rated 14 Jan 2018
Graphically maybe it doesn't hold up but back in the day the graphics were amazing. This deserves the praise it gets: the music and story are both incredible, with the latter being fairly deep. I like turn-based combat so it has never bothered me, and I thought maybe the materia system wouldn't hold up but I actually played this game last year for a while and it did. I have no issues with FF7, it was a turning point in games and is the best post-SNES Final Fantasy.
Rated 14 Jan 2018
Still holds up today and in a recent play through I enjoyed it as much as ever. The design and sound is startlingly harmonious and the now aging battle system still has what it takes to challenge. Inseparable with MGS as my favourite game ever.
Rated 17 Jan 2018
One of those games I played constantly as a kid. I loved it so much I was always looking to find secrets online on secret characters or things I might have missed and tried to do nearly every rumor despite how farfetched.
Rated 16 Jan 2018
FOR ITS TIME, it was revolutionary. Great story, interesting characters, fun RPG, Neat and zany areas of its world, hours of content, and I love the 2D rendered background art. Minor bugs and repetitive battle music is a con.
Rated 15 Jan 2018
Massive game (3 CDS!) with great RPG and strategy elements and a memorable soundtrack.
Rated 27 Apr 2022
The story is overrated and overabundant. The gameplay though, is amazing. I loved mixing and matching the materia to find new and interesting character combos. The character graphics in towns and dungeons are terrible, but in combat and cutscenes, they are great. The eternal 90s teen in me also really likes the pre-gen environments.
Rated 27 Feb 2022
CAPOLAVORO. Poco altro da dire, uno dei videogiochi più famosi e giustamente osannati di tutti i tempi. Introspezione psicologica dei personaggi, trama profonda a livello cinematografico, gameplay vario e funzionale. Più di 100 ore di divertimento. Aggiungo solo: la saga di FF finora è l'unica che è riuscita a farmi versare qualche lacrima.
Rated 18 Jul 2021
A bit too easy, and grinding for the optional bosses is super dull, but I actually really like the graphics. There's also a lot of minigames, and most of them are pretty bad.
Rated 20 Jun 2021
I tried and tried and tried to like it. I've been playing it on and off for a few years, but have't even got to the part where the lady dies. I was under the impression that the whole game would be that lady dying or maybe you kill the lady??? I used to play a lot of JRPGs but I never had a PS. By the time I got this on Steam, I had completely lost my patience for grinding. I've finally given up ever finishing this.
Rated 09 Jan 2020
A really fleshed out world full of lore, great cast of characters and solid main story. Absolutely tons of side content including secret characters who contribute even more to the plot. The plot has a bunch of twists and turns and to fully understand it you need to fully explore the world and do optional content to get extra scenes that fill in the blanks. The satisfaction of learning something new in a hidden cutscene that you had to go out of your way to find may never exist again.
Rated 23 Sep 2019
Too much cringe and shitty gameplay for me.
Rated 24 Aug 2019
All time classic.
Rated 17 Aug 2019
It's been more than 20 years and the impact the FF VII has on our culture is still felt. The graphics at the time were awesome. The game play and fight mechanics were intuitive for turn based RPG's at the time. No, parts haven't aged well and many people are looking forward to the remake, but if there is ONE game that defines the Play Station, it is Final Fantasy VII.
Rated 04 May 2018
Fair to state that I am still, 20+ years later, infatuated with this game. This was my sole reason for acquiring a PS1 back then. It's probably the only game that I can go back to again and again, and it feels like coming home; it's an investment of time that feels as special each subsequent time as it did the first. Even today, turn-based combat doesn't bother me, and the Materia system may STILL be the best magic system in the franchise. Investing story, impressive villain. My gaming love.
Rated 13 Apr 2018
Final Fantasy VII is certainly dated due to the inconsistent graphics. From a story point of view it is elevated beyond most of the titles in the long running series. The combat is fine and exactly what one would expect. Awards however should go to the game for its creation of a wonderfully complex and amazing villain: Sephiroth.
Rated 05 Feb 2018
Once you get over the hideous graphics and try to ignore the terrible movies and spinoffs as much as possible, it's a fantastic game that anyone who has even half an appreciation for RPGs should give it a play at least once.
Rated 04 Feb 2018
Great game.
Rated 31 Jan 2018
The immature narrative, shallow gameplay, and ugly visuals put me off.
Rated 29 Jan 2018
Excited for the remake.
Rated 25 Jan 2018
The first Final Fantasy many of us played. I loved the moody characters, the silly mini-games, the sideplots, and the epic battles. The tragedy of Aeris still bothers me. I remember finishing the game and wandering how she was coming back to life. A great JRPG, though not as good an entry as later renditions of FF.
Rated 24 Jan 2018
I'm going to be that guy: I hate this game. I bought it launch day and it took me months to finish, not because it was hard, but because I put it down so much and I felt an obligation to finish it. I hated it so much I stopped playing video games altogether for six months. It's all over the place, the characters are cardboard cutouts, and the story is nonsensical. 20 years has not improved my opinion on this game and never will. Sorry to be contrarian.
Rated 13 Jan 2018
All the good things here can't make up for the boring as hell combat system and some of the ugliest character models ever made that look like genetical experiments gone wrong.


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