Outer Wilds

Outer Wilds

Outer Wilds is an open world exploration action-adventure indie video game. (wikipedia.org)
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Outer Wilds

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Avg Percentile 67.74% from 102 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 05 Nov 2019
So I understand why the time limit mechanic works but I don't like it on a personal level. That's why I don't rate this higher. However, this game nails open world exploration in a way that most open world games don't. Each planet/place is unique and inspired, truly full of awe. You don't know what you will find.
Rated 23 Feb 2021
The rare example of videogames reaching their most mature and fully formed artistic purpose. A combination of narrative and gameplay, not as separate phases, but interlinked parts of an emotionally profound interactive experience.
Rated 09 Jun 2021
Outer Wilds is utterly unique. The experience throughout is nothing short of mesmerising. Words cannot do this game justice. Even if the core gameplay loop is spoiled for you, this is a must play. The game is easily in my top 10 DESPITE some of the frustrating mechanical hiccups I occasionally experienced. If, like I was, you are on the fence, e.g. because you find the starting area and the tutorial boring: don't be. Just jump in and keep playing until it hooks you. You will know when it does.
Rated 08 Jun 2021
GOAT-level, and not just because of the alien that looks like one! (I can’t remember if there actually is an alien that looks like a goat in this game but it seemed like a good joke so I wrote it anyway)
Rated 29 Sep 2021
Interstellar meets Groundhog Day (you'll find that comparison apt in more ways than one.) Decent but EXTREMELY frustrating at times.
Rated 12 Apr 2023
Not engaging, nor fun, no sense of wonder. Mostly based on physics/astronomy puzzles. It relied too much on reading boring text (I liked disco elysium). I get why so many people loved it, but I could not play it for more than an hour. I enjoy Jacob Geller's essays, and I saw his video about this, which confirmed that I just could not feel the same. It just felt like a bunch of stuff to learn for no reward. Like a bad book, not a game. If you like the theme, it might be a great book, I guess.
Rated 05 Nov 2023
To me, the best game I've ever played. Absolute masterpiece. Go in without knowing what it's about and you'll be blown away.
Rated 07 Dec 2023
Outer Wilds is the video game that I wish more video games were: filled with awe-inspiring wonder, tell unique yet universal stories, and have a commitment to the art, yes art, form. There are undeniable frustrations to be found but the moments of brilliance are simply transcendent and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts (which are pretty damn good themselves).


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