My Friend Pedro
My Friend Pedro
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My Friend Pedro

My Friend Pedro

My Friend Pedro is a violent ballet about friendship, imagination, and one man's struggle to obliterate anyone in his path at the behest of a sentient banana. (Steam)

My Friend Pedro

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Avg Percentile 44.71% from 31 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 22 Jun 2023
Shoot the guys! Fun art style and occasionally made me laugh. Will never play again.
Rated 04 May 2023
Stylish and about the right length to not get overly repetitive with its mechanics. Surprisingly less frantic than I thought it would be.
Rated 24 Jul 2022
This is game is terrible. Basically a banana is guiding you through the way as you kill enemies. So 5 worlds in this & a ending level. Some have 8 levels while others have 4. When you beat a level you get a grade in the from A being best to C the Worst. Levels look all the same as you run & shoot bad guys. 3 difficulty settings starting from Normal to harder settings.
Rated 05 Apr 2022
A good bit of fun with lots of style and a decent amount of variety. It feels like it could push it's mechanics much farther, but I do appreciate that it doesn't outstay its welcome. You can beat it in just a couple of hours.
Rated 06 Nov 2019
From around the 2nd to 6th lvls are very cool, the game creates set pieces where you rush through performing cool stunts and tricks while taking out tons of bad guys. This part is an 80, after that the game slows down a lot and turns into a frustrating puzzle-platformer, really slow, where you stop every 20 seconds to figure something out or to go through a maze. This part is about a 60, but the boss battle at the end is very cool, so overall I'll give it 78. 1st lvl is also a bit slow.
Rated 23 Sep 2019
Admittedly it's not as exciting as the trailers made it look, and that's because while the tricks you can do are neat--and if you're good at the game you could pull off some wicked shit--it repeats it a lot. They throw in a little variety but even still the levels feel a little same-y. Still worth playing, definitely, but it's a little disappointing.

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