The Last of Us Part II
The Last of Us Part II
The Last of Us Part II

The Last of Us Part II

The Last of Us Part II is an action-adventure game developed by Naughty Dog. (
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The Last of Us Part II

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Avg Percentile 66.92% from 203 total ratings

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Rated 13 Sep 2020
Easily the most advanced game to date as far as general "feel" and fluidity goes, with a phenomenal, layered story about trauma and absolutely impeccable performances, especially from Ashley Johnson who, like, holy shit, right??? Maybe the best PS4 game, which is saying a LOT.
Rated 22 Jun 2020
I got goosebumps like six times during this. A game comprised of wonderful, horrible moments. (Alice forever good girl)
Rated 17 Aug 2020
Naughty Dog and writer/director Neil Druckmann have created the best narrative experience in a video game to date. I could stay in this world, with these characters, for thirty more hours, as they try to find solace and meaning in a burnt-out shell of a world. The gameplay is perfect; linear, unavoidably, but with a huge variety of compelling playstyles. This time, puzzles are satisfying and quick to complete. Couldn’t say it about the first, but I’ll say it about this one: masterpiece.
Rated 24 Jun 2020
Looks and plays absolutely beautiful. Now, with a writer capable of mature, coherent thought...sadly it's just "Dr.Uckmann" masturbating while Straley's gone to keep his "edgy" ideas in check. And the result? A pretty shady false ad campaign, one half young adult novel, one half "tragic anti-hero redeemed by LGBTQ-kid"-rehash, both full of phony drama. The only interesting thing is Ellie breaking the cycle. Joel'd be proud. If his head hadn't been bashed in with 5000 pages of weak ass script.
Rated 22 Jun 2020
Nothing is played safe; likely the most daring narrative decisions in video games and without a doubt the most powerful, uncompromising interactive experience on a thematic level I have ever played. The heavy focus on complex themes and deeply rooted character work will surely leave some players angered or upset, but that is a risk Neil Druckmann and Naughty Dog are clearly willing to take and the game is all the better for it. This is something special. Story debate
Rated 06 Nov 2020
The Last of Us Part II is more of what I love and hate about video games simultaneously. The gameplay is improved but I feel like it's about 6 years behind. The plot gets out of zombie-cliche no. 74 but falls into contrivance far too often for comfort. The game is still focused on character and it gets that mostly right, though I do have my complaints. The biggest complaint is that it still feels embarrassed to be a video game which is why most time feels like it was spent on production design.
Rated 22 Aug 2020
Everybody who calls this story lazy or bad must have been on shrooms. This is the first game to reach an actual movie-like quality while simultaneously making decent use of the game medium. Ya'll should start watching some of the all-time great movies, and then you'll realise just how far behind games have been until this point. It's only a 5 because I watched it instead of playing cause I'm not fond of modern ND games. But as a movie? Kojima, take notes!!
Rated 21 Jun 2020
Rated 02 Jul 2022
Gorgeous. Stunning game engine. Utterly depressing story.
Rated 02 Jul 2020
The gameplay with Abby is actually my favorite part.
Rated 02 Aug 2020
As harrowing and exhilarating as one would expect from getting to live inside a movie shot by Emmanuel Lubezki.
Rated 23 Jul 2020
An incredible execution of a less-than-incredible design. Feels as if the riveting crescendos were planned first, and the rest of the narrative exists just to enable these. It has a habit of reminding you at inopportune moments that you're actually playing a video game when it has moments worth just sitting back and soaking in. It also, contradictory to the message it wants to convey, seems to take great glee in exploitative violence. All this said, it's still a very high calibre video game.
Rated 01 Jul 2020
Spoilers: love the first half and really most parts with Ellie. I understand transitioning to Abby but it did it at a terrible time and that, along with the length, made it drag. We didn't need that time with Abby to understand her motivations and I don't think it helped... or at least SHORTEN it. Went from 95 to 45 to 70 by the end (I do actually love the ending). Core gameplay still works but game goes on too long. I'm really just bothered by the Abby part, this could have been a classic.
Rated 22 Jun 2020
Incredible game. It ended up being just a notch below the first game, only due to not quite having as big of an impact on me at the end, but that's really nitpicking, because this is still a league beyond nearly every other game in existence. The game also constantly surprised me, and looks like a PS5 game, with graphics better than nearly any CGI humans you've seen in movies. Emotional rollercoaster, and makes you question what you believe multiple times. Outstanding.
Rated 08 Apr 2023
This is a excellent game. The story is very good in this. You play as Ellie & Abby mainly. A bit with Joel in the beginning. There's handicap settings & you can modify it to have it super easy, skip puzzles, & have an arrow telling you where yo go when you press L3. There is a character named Dina in this that looks exactly like my female manager at work, & she does the exact same mannerisms. It took me almost 20 hours to beat this game.
Rated 19 Jun 2021
3.kez bitirdim, art?k en sevdi?im 2 oyundan birisi.
Rated 14 Jul 2021
It's good , but not as good as the original
Rated 16 May 2023


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