Dark Souls

Dark Souls

Dark Souls is the new action role-playing game from the developers who brought you Demon's Souls, FromSoftware. Dark Souls will have many familiar features: A dark fantasy universe, tense dungeon crawling, fearsome enemy encounters and unique online interactions. Dark Souls is a spiritual successor to Demon's, not a sequel.
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Dark Souls

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Avg Percentile 65.28% from 452 total ratings

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Rated 13 Jan 2018
I get the appeal, and I totally understand why this would be someone's favourite franchise, but it's not for me.I never had the patience to learn the game on it's own term or to be able to deal with it's trial-and-error learning curve.
Rated 22 Oct 2018
The best game of its generation, at least in my opinion. Dark Souls weaves all the elements of a video game together to form a rich, wonderful tapestry which could only exist in its medium. This is a game that deserves to be played to understand the experience.
Rated 13 Sep 2020
There are elements that come off as dated now but you can definitely see why this was so acclaimed and influential. Sen's Fortress can fuck off forever though.
Rated 21 Jun 2019
O melhor dos melhores.
Rated 09 Mar 2024
I get the appeal but I kind of don't get the appeal. If I had lots of free times for games, I would probably give this a perfect score, but I'm a filthy casual.
Rated 16 Dec 2023
Pretty great, basically a classic at this point. technical execution is probably is only issue (besides not enjoying these types of games).
Rated 11 Nov 2023
too high difficulty level ruins fun for me
Rated 20 Apr 2023
Delayed. Controls are wonkey. I believe you need to be really patient with this game or else you die easily and need to repeat sections to get back to where you are. Not in the mood for that rn but maybe revisit later when I'm ready to torture myself
Rated 08 Apr 2023
Best game ever made.
Rated 22 Nov 2021
First and foremost, the level design of this game is outstanding - the way all areas are interconnected in a genuine living setting is astounding. Aside from a few moments, nothing seems unfair difficulty-wise, and while deaths were common, everything felt like it could be overcome by utilising the game's mechanics and items, and figuring encounters out is satisfying. I don't think I'll be replaying this any time soon, but I'm glad I did play through it.
Rated 12 Nov 2021
I'd give the first half of this game a very solid 100 and the later half a disappointing 65. Fortunately, the first part carries the experience. Play it if you like Fromsoft, maybe skip it if you're not entirely interested. This is where the Soulsbourne genre kicked off, there's a lot of history and nostalgia surrounding this game and for that its worth playing, but it isnt an essential experience if you're only interested in gameplay as it's all been drastically improved upon in later titles.
Rated 14 Jul 2021
Great game!
Rated 08 Dec 2019
My favourite game of all time, and the video game equivalent to comfort food. Combat is juuuust slow and weighty enough, with juuust enough depth, plus eight bajillion build options. Fantasy is dark, but not TOO dark, while managing to respect the genre's conventions and subvert them without being irreverent. That being said, Lost Izalith and, to a limited extent, Tomb of the Giants prevent this from being literally perfect. So, a 90 it is.
Rated 13 Jan 2018
I've always appreciated certain aspects of the Souls series, such as the way it incorporates multiplayer. The visuals are good with sound environmental storytelling. Having lived through the older days of video gaming I'm less inclined to love really hard games, so I don't feel the same satisfaction as some other people. And I think the combat is really really clunky and just not fun because of it.
Rated 09 Apr 2019
wish i waited and played the remastered version but i loved it. wish i finished it lol. loved my tetsaiga even though that broke it. upgrading weapons. they all feel different. the difficulty and old school design/style. builds and progression took too many guides for me though. and some things were annoyingly hard
Rated 17 Dec 2018
Amazing story, amazing bosses and enemies (atleast Lost Izalith doesn't take that long to beat), amazing OST and gameplay is good. My favorite Souls game.
Rated 05 Dec 2018
Dark Souls is incredibly difficult. To the point of being incredibly frustrating a lot of the time. That being said, it's still gorgeous to look at, the gameplay is fluid and addicting, and the open world nature is unique and a nice callback to games like Ultima.
Rated 12 Jun 2018
If this game ended right after Anor Londo, I'd be thrilled about it. As it stands, I've found that the combat eventually does get a teensy bit stale (*ducks*). The fact that most builds are complete long before the endgame and that the "itemization" really boils down to "beeline for one of the most accessible weapons and armor sets and farm shards" contribute to my impression that DS1 is a bit poorly paced.
Rated 04 Feb 2018
A great "sequel" to Demon Souls with many improvements without sacrificing what made the game so enticing in the first place. There is nothing quite like playing through a souls game the first time through. I'm glad it's getting a remaster so I can own the whole series on PS4 and it will be fun to play some PVP with the DS1 mechanics as I didn't really PVP until the third game.
Rated 16 Jan 2018
Bathe me in your lore as I play this offline because I don't want to be lit on fire by an invader named BonerDad69 again.
Rated 03 Mar 2018
A game for Masochists.


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