Fallout 4

Fallout 4

Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, welcome you to the world of Fallout 4 - their most ambitious game ever, and the next generation of open-world gaming. As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
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Fallout 4

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Avg Percentile 43.07% from 559 total ratings

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Rated 13 Jan 2018
Y'all can just go ahead and give this franchise back to Obsidian thanks
Rated 15 Jan 2018
I know so many fans hated the departure from the popular New Vegas model but I have 0 games that have gotten as much gameplay as this. The main character is one dimensional but the voice acting combined with awesome companion interaction help make up for the simplistic story. The base building and mods make this almost like a whole other game after the main playthrough.
Rated 25 Jan 2018
Fallout 4 was a step backwards from Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. I liked a lot of things about this game, but the new mechanics didn't mesh well and weren't enough, and I really felt that meaningful choices were taken from me. Still, the world is massive, and there is just so much to explore. For someone who enjoyed the exploration aspect of these games, it still made Fallout 4 a terrific title to play.
Rated 07 Nov 2020
would probably be 85 if i could get my ps4 mods working right. havent played much
Rated 11 Jul 2024
Pretty good stuff. The story is fine (with at least one good twist), but the true value of this game is in all the side quests and companion stories. Liked the Boston location and accompanying lore. The Minecraft-y settlement building was OK but got tiresome after a while (at least until I discovered the cheat for duplicating materials and then farmed XP by building statues). Curie best girl.
Rated 12 Dec 2020
Builds on the excellent Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I feel like this stands up well among the other games despite many having the opposite opinion. The atmosphere in this game is excellent and the characters are diverse and in many cases superb (Shoutout to Nick Valentine). Some uninteresting features such as the city building feel like bloat for the sake of bloat but it doesn't stop this being an excellent open world game.
Rated 11 Apr 2021
best sidequests, nice immersion
Rated 14 Jul 2021
Good gameplay bad RPG , why
Rated 03 Aug 2021
It's quite possible I'd have liked this more if it had a different name, but Bethesda's strong suit has never been in the writing and variance of it's missions, which makes this a proper disappointment to fans of the series. Decent game for hungover sundays, though.
Rated 15 Nov 2021
An insult to the series and mediocre game all around. The story is a mess, the world is shallow, the dialogue choices are nothing more than an illusion. The one redeeming quality of this game, the crafting and base building, is so frustrating to use that I can't be bothered to. I'd give it points for decent level design if the bad graphics and art direction didn't taint it. At the very least it's functional and I'll give it points for that.
Rated 05 May 2022
I don't care what anyone says, this is better than Skyrim.
Rated 22 Aug 2022
Pretty world and fun gun mechanics. But the writing is absolutely terrible, and in the few times it's somewhat good, it feels like it targets the lowest common denominator in terms of plot and character complexity.
Rated 07 Oct 2022
Fallout 4 is more interesting to me than other Beth-like games in terms of how settlement building ties into the core gameplay loop, in which case there's a lot of cool mods that build off of that. I also like a lot of its small qol additions. But looking beyond that, the game has the usual Bethesda problem of having really cool narrative ideas that are handled in the worst way possible with RPG mechanics managing to become a lot more boring and lamer.
Rated 26 Jan 2023
This a good game. Is it a good Fallout game? Maybe not. The dialogue system is simplified, player choice and consequence is rudimentary, and the skill system has been streamlined but there's still a lot to like. The map of Boston is huge and detailed and very true to life. If all else fails, turn on god mode, put on Youtuber Noah Caldwell Gervais' video "The Real Landscapes of Fallout", take the tour and tell me you're not having fun?
Rated 27 Oct 2023
good for bethesda shenanigans but not that good by fallout standards. The companions are cool though
Rated 23 Dec 2023
I progress through this game a little at a time, with sessions that range from great to terrible as you can get overwhelmed easily if you go to the wrong place. So my feelings about it are mixed and it is definitely not at the level of Fallout 3 or New Vegas, in my opinion.
Rated 27 Apr 2024
Controversial, but it's one of my favourite games of all time. I've got a lot of memories of when it first came out, I played it for like a year straight lol
Rated 08 Dec 2019
The shooting's pretty okay, visuals are nice. Power Armor system is also really cool and I like it a lot. Everything else sucks ass and is infinitely worse than even Fallout 3 before it. Story is ass garbage even by video game standards; I have played machine-translated Japanese doujin games more coherent than Fallout 4. Manages like a 55 with significant modding.
Rated 25 Feb 2021
while it is certainly the most technically impressive fallout to date, it is weak when compared to its peers and lacks the charm of of its heritage. that being said it still can be a lot of fun
Rated 17 Dec 2018
Without cockroach..
Rated 22 Oct 2018
The diminishing returns hit this one hard. Fallout 4 relies heavily on radiant side-quests which are excuses to push the player into exploration. The problem is that the new colorful world is so dull the only thing worth finding are things to improve gameplay. The gameplay, while a major step up, is not nearly enough to carry this without the strengths of 3 (exploration) or New Vegas (questing, writing, and world-building).
Rated 12 Jun 2018
A wretched game with probably the worst dialogue writing I have ever seen. 12 points for the occasionally interesting visual design.
Rated 01 May 2018
I will preface this by saying I'm a huge BethesBoi, but this was a letdown. This game is a repetitive craft-fest with forced MC dialogue that, despite looking nice, just didn't deliver. To its credit, walking through the Dead Sea for the first time was breathtaking but there was nothing to do. The perks? Gutted. Base building, why? Will Hancock ever shut up about settlements? Even with mods, I don't play this nearly as much as FO:NV. Please Bethes, just give Obsidian the rights to make this good
Rated 21 Mar 2018
A good "action" game. Fallout 4 has a lot of tools that makes it a fun experience. It is also incredibly lazy in design. Everyone's a bandit and the story sucks (and that dialogue system, jesus). A handful of good side quests don't make up for the incredible missed opportunity. Still I pumped a few hours into it.
Rated 04 Mar 2018
Many many hours of searching nuclear wasteland fun.
Rated 15 Feb 2018
Nice engine and improved graphics but it really isn't Fallout. The RPG elements feel really watered down and the dialogue options are totally lacking for a Fallout game.
Rated 13 Jan 2018
There are a lot of things wrong with this game and I can't fault Fallout purists for hating it, but I love the way it made me feel like a scavenger as I searched for ruined buildings looking for things I needed for my homestead. Moreover, the superficial pleasure of the third-person killcam never gets old.
Rated 12 Jan 2018
The dialog choices are so frustratingly dumb and railroaded that I honestly wish they didn't even have them. It's insulting constantly getting 3 ways to say yes and a no that will just be met with "Hey I know you really meant yes so we're going to move on as if you said that."
Rated 13 Jan 2018
If you reviewed in a vacuum, or this came out 10 years ago, then it would be a game that would get all of the accolades. Unfortunately, even though I'm not really a Fallout guy, Fallout 3 and New Vegas were both substantially better and they didn't really progress the series in any way. After a game like The Witcher 3 came out, this shit just wasn't really as acceptable to me as it was before. Menial tasks, boring story, whatever. Still kinda fun to explore but we moved past this.
Rated 12 Jan 2018
does a lot of things right, but the limitations placed on dialogue take away what were my favorite parts of older games in the series. if you like Fallout, though, it's hard to imagine disliking this one, even if it's not New Vegas.
Rated 17 Jan 2018
I think the main problem with F4 is your character's backstory and motivations are too rigid and focused. I don't want to play as a character searching for his son. It's difficult to role play when every second mission requires you to enter dialogue options about being desperate to find some missing kid. I couldn't give a shit about the little turd. I just wanna explore the wasteland and kill mutants! ... well apart from Strong as he's pretty cool.


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